Keeping spills where they belong!
The PigPen has adjustable legs to position the container as close to the pipeline as possible.
Wind guards on top of the PigPen prevent liquids and sludge from spilling on the ground.
Internal grating for clean removal and storage of pipeline pigs.
Made from high quality corrosion resistant HDPE.
Heavy duty construction for protection against freezing and other environmental factors.
Made from static resitant resin. Boding and grounding cables help prevent static discharge.
Prevent costly and environmentally damaging cleanups.
For clean removal and storage of pipeline pigs.
Integrated drain for clean removal of liquids
and sludge.
Made from corrosion resistant HDPE.
Prevent costly and environmentally damaging cleanups.
For clean removal and storage of pipeline pigs.
Integrated drain for clean removal of liquids
and sludge.
Made from corrosion resistant HDPE.